Security Printing Press Hyderabad Supervisor (TO-Printing), Supervisor (Tech Control), Supervisor (OL), Jr.Office Assistant, Jr.Technician (Printing /Control), Jr. Technician (Fitter), Jr. Technician (Welder), Jr.Technician (Electronics/ Instrumentation), Fireman Syllabus and Exam Pattern are given on this page. So, candidates who are searching for the Security Printing Press Hyderabad Syllabus 2024 they can collect full PDF on this page. Security Printing Press Hyderabad Junior Technician Syllabus plays a prominent role in any exam preparation. Without having Security Printing Press Hyderabad Junior Technician syllabus and Exam pattern nobody can know which subjects to prepare for the examination. You can check all details of Security Printing Press Hyderabad Syllabus here. Are you looking for the free download? Then go through this section.
Security Printing Press Hyderabad Junior Technician Selection Process:
The Selection Procedure of the Exam will be as follows:
1. online test
2. Skill Test
The Objective type of online examination will consist of following tests for:
Supervisor (TO-Printing/Tech Control):

The Objective type of online examination will consist of following tests for:
Junior Technician (Printing/ Control/ Fitter/ Welder/ Electronics/ Instrumentation) and Fireman.

The Objective type of online examination will consist of following tests for: Supervisor (OL).

The exam for Jr. Office Assistant (B-3 Level) will be conducted in 02 phases: Phase-I:
a) First Computer based type writing test in English @ 40 wpm or in Hindi @30 wpm will be conducted.
b) Candidates have to indicate his/her preference of Language (Hindi/English) of typing test to be conducted on computer while filling their online application form.
c) Criteria for evaluation of typing test and other instructions are attached as Annexure-II and Annexure-III. Candidates can attempt the Typing Skill Test either in Hindi or in English language (as opted by Candidates in the Online Application form).
(a) Those candidates who qualify type writing (English @ 40 wpm Hindi @30 wpm) on Computer will be called for online examination.
(b) The type writing test will be of qualifying nature and final selection will be based on the marks obtained by the candidates in Phase-II online examination.
(c)The Objective type of online examination will consist of following tests for:
Jr. Office Assistant.

(*)Indicative Syllabus for the post wise is appended as Annexure-I to this Advertisement. Candidates have to take note that the syllabus mentioned is only indicative & not exhaustive and Questions may be set from other topics commensurate with the education qualification.
The online test will be in bilingual form i.e. Hindi & English language except the English language section which will be available only in English and there is no Interview for the selection of the posts. The selection will be on merit basis. There is no Negative Marking
Security Printing Press Hyderabad Syllabus PDF Download: