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NIELIT Recruitment 2023 56 JA, PA & MTS Posts

NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Recruitment 2023 | NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Job Notification 2023 | NIELIT JA, PA & MTS 2023 Online Application @ https://register-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ – NIELIT invites Online applications for the recruitment of 56 Scientist “C‟, Scientist “B‟, Workshop Superintendent, Assistant Director (Admn.), Deputy Manager (Database), Private Secretary, Sr. Technical Assistant, Sr. Technical Assistant (Store), Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil), Personnel Assistant, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Driver, Electrician, Library Assistant & Multi Tasking Staff Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ https://register-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ from 15.07.2023 to 13.08.2023.


NIELIT Recruitment 2023  [Quick Summary]

Organization Name:National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology
Notification No:“A-12/4/2023-Administrator” 
Job Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Employment Type:Regular Basis
Total No of Vacancies: 56 Scientist “C‟, Scientist “B‟, Workshop Superintendent, Assistant Director (Admn.), Deputy Manager (Database), Private Secretary, Sr. Technical Assistant, Sr. Technical Assistant (Store), Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil), Personnel Assistant, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Driver, Electrician, Library Assistant & Multi Tasking Staff Posts
Place of Posting: Anywhere in India  
Starting Date: 15.07.2023 
Last Date: 13.08.2023 
Apply Mode:Online
Official Website https://register-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ 

Latest NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Vacancy Details:

NIELIT Invites Applications for the Following Posts

SI NoName of PostsNo. of Posts
1.Scientist “C‟01
2.Scientist “B‟12
3.Workshop Superintendent02
4.Assistant Director (Admn.)01
5.Deputy Manager (Database)01
6.Private Secretary01
7.Sr. Technical Assistant07
8.Sr. Technical Assistant (Store)02
9.Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil)02
10.Personnel Assistant01
11.Senior Assistant04
12.Senior Assistant (Accounts)01
13.Junior Assistant05
16.Library Assistant01
17.Multi Tasking Staff13

NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:  

1. Scientist “C‟Essential Qualifications: a) Regular BE/ B.Tech in Computer Science or Computer Engg./ Information Technology / Electrical and Electronics Engg/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electronics / Electronics & Communications, M.Sc (Electronics/ Applied Electronics /Physics) with First Class from a recognized University/ Institution or Equivalent. OR b) M.Tech / ME in Computer Science / IT / Electronics & Communications / Electronics or any specialization in CS / IT / EC / Electronics like VLSI Design, Information Security, Embedded System Design, Software Engineering, AI, Networking etc. or equivalent with First Class from a recognized University / Institution. OR c) PhD in Computer Engg. or Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics, EEE, E&I & Communications/ Electronics and its allied fields like Agriculture Electronics, Opto Electronics, Power Electronics, Consumer Electronics etc. or any specialization in CS / IT / EC / Electronics like VLSI Design, Software Engineering, AI, Networking or Equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. Experience: Post qualification experience in relevant field 4 yearsfor (a), 2 years for (b), NIL for (c)
2. Scientist “B‟ – Essential Qualification a) Regular B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science or Computer Engg. / Information Technology/Electrical and Electronics Engg./Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics / Electronics & Communications or equivalent with First Class from a recognized University / Institution. OR  b) M.Sc. (Electronics/Applied Electronics/Physics) with First Class from a recognized University /Institution. Experience Post qualification experience in relevant field NIL for (a) 1 year for (b)
3. Workshop Superintendent – Essential Qualification: Bachelor degree in Engineering or Bachelor degree in Technology (B.E./B.Tech.) or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers (AMIE) in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Experience: 5 Years for B.E./B.Tech 3 Years for M.E./M.Tech
4. Assistant Director (Admn.) – Essential Qualifications: a) Graduate from a recognized University / Institution with 60% marks and PG Diploma (Personnel /HR Management / Industrial Relation /Labour Law) OR b) Post Graduate Degree from a recognized University/Institution with 60% marks and PG Diploma (Personnel / HR Management / Industrial Relation / Labour Law) OR c) MBA (Personnel/HR Management) from a recognized University / Institution with 60% marks. Experience: Post qualification experience in responsible position in the area of Personnel / Establishment /Administration out of which a minimum of two years‟ should be in a supervisory position equivalent to Section Officer/ Admin. Officer. Should possess working knowledge of computers. Experience: 7 years for (a), 5 years for (b), 2 years for (c)
5. Deputy Manager (Database) – Essential Qualification: a) 3 Years full time B.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology. b) 3 Years full time BCA in Computer Science/ Information Technology/Computer Application from a recognized University/ Institution. c) DOEACC „A‟ level (with Mathematics as a subject at 10+2). d) 3 years full time Diploma in Computer Science /Information Technology (with Mathematics as a subject at 10+2) from a recognized Institution. Experience: Post qualification relevant experience: 7 Years for all above qualifications. Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post with requisite experience as mentioned above.
6. Private Secretary – Essential Qualification: a) Graduate from a recognized University /Institution with 5 years‟ experience in the relevant field. b)NIELIT „CCC‟ or higher certification. c)Skill Test Norms: Dictation- 7 Minutes@ 100wpm Transcription-45 Minutes English or 60 Minutes Hindi on a computer
7. Sr. Technical Assistant – Essential Qualifications: a) Regular BE/ B.Tech in Computer Science or Computer Engg./Information Technology/ Electrical and Electronics Engg/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electronics/ Electronics & Communications or Equivalent with First Class from a recognized University/Institution OR b) M.Sc. in Computer Science /Information Technology/Electronics with First Class from a recognized University/Institution OR  c) MCA (preceded by B.Sc. with Mathematics as a subject /BCA with Mathematics at 10+2) with 60% marks OR d) DOEACC „B‟ Level with 60% marks and above with Mathematics as a subject at 10+2 OR e) 1 st Class Diploma (3 years full time) in Computer Sc./ IT/ Electronics/ Electronics and Communication/ Electrical and Electronics Experience: Post qualification relevant experience NIL for (a), 01 year for (b) (c) & (d), 05 years for (e)
8. Sr. Technical Assistant (Store) – Essential Qualification: 1)Bachelor Degree from a recognized University and either Diploma in material management or 03 years‟ experience in handling stores or record keeping in a concerned of repute in public or private sector in handling and keeping accounts of electrical, electronics and IT related items. 2) NIELIT „CCC‟ or higher certification. Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post along with requisite experience as mentioned above.
9. Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil) – Essential Qualification: 03 Years full time Diploma in Civil Engineering with 05 years post qualification experience in the relevant area. Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post along with requisite experience as mentioned above.
10. Personnel Assistant – Essential Qualification: a) Graduate from a recognized University /Institution with 3 years experience in the relevant field. b) NIELIT „CCC‟ or higher certification. c) Skill Test Norms: Dictation- 7 Minutes@ 100wpm Transcription-45 Minutes English or 60 Minutes Hindi on a computer
11. Senior Assistant – Essential Qualification: a) Graduate from a recognized University/Institution with 03 years‟ experience in the area of office administration. b) NIELIT CCC or higher certification Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post alongwith requisite experience as mentioned above.
12. Senior Assistant (Accounts) – Essential Qualifications: a) Graduate in Commerce from a recognized University / Institution with 60% marks with Diploma in Finance OR b) Post Graduate Degree in Commerce from a recognized University/ Institution with 60% marks; OR  c) MBA (Finance) with 60% marks. Experience Post qualification experience in the area of Commercial Finance and Accounts preferable in Govt/ Organisation/ Autonomous Body /PSU/ Industrial Establish of repute and should also have working knowledge of computer preferably NIELIT “CCC” or higher. Experience: 2 years for (a), Nil for (b) and (c)
13. Junior Assistant – Essential Qualifications: First Class Graduate from a recognized University / Institution with typing speed of 30 wpm in English or 25 wpm in Hindi with working knowledge of computers preferably NIELIT „CCC‟ or higher certification. Desirable: NIELIT „O‟ Level Certificate Course
14. Driver – Essential Qualification: (i) Possession of a valid driving license for motor car; (ii) Experience of driving a motor car for at least three years; (iii) Pass in 10th Standard from recognized board; and (iv) To pass the Trade Test specified by the Government.
15. Electrician – Essential Qualification: (i) ITI certificate in Electrician trade from any Central/State Govt. approved Training Institute with 2 years‟ experience. Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post alongwith requisite experience as mentioned above.
16. Library Assistant – Essential Qualification: a) Bachelor Degree with Diploma in Library Science from a recognized Institution  b) NIELIT „CCC‟ or higher certification
17. Multi Tasking Staff – Essential Qualification: a)10th class pass from a recognized Board.  b) NIELIT „CCC‟ Note: Any higher qualification in the above discipline will also be eligible for the post.

Age Limit: (As on 13.08.2023)

1. Scientist “C‟ – Upto 35 Years
2. Scientist “B‟ – Upto 30 Years
3. Workshop Superintendent – Upto 35 Years
4. Assistant Director (Admn.) – Upto 40 Years
5. Deputy Manager (Database) – Not exceeding 35 Years
6. Private Secretary – Not exceeding 35 Years
7. Sr. Technical Assistant – Upto 30 years
8. Sr. Technical Assistant (Store) – Not exceeding 32 Years
9. Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil) – Not exceeding 35 Years
10. Personnel Assistant – Not exceeding 30 Years
11. Senior Assistant – Not exceeding 32 Years
12. Senior Assistant (Accounts) – Upto 30 Years
13. Junior Assistant – Upto 27 Years
14. Driver – Not exceeding 27 Years
15. Electrician – Not exceeding 27 Years
16. Library Assistant – Not exceeding 27 Years
17. Multi Tasking Staff – Not exceeding 27 Years

 The Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST; 3 years for OBC, 10 Years for Persons with Disabilities (15 years for SC/ST PWD’s & 13 years for OBC PWD’s) and for Ex-S as per Govt. of India rules. Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through NIELIT official Notification 2023 for more reference

Salary Details:

1. Scientist “C‟ – Level-11 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 67700-208700)
2. Scientist “B‟ – Level-10 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500)
3. Workshop Superintendent – Level-10 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500)
4. Assistant Director (Admn.) – Level-10 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56100-177500)
5. Deputy Manager (Database) – Level-07 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 44900- 142400)
6. Private Secretary – Level-07 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 44900- 142400)
7. Sr. Technical Assistant – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
8. Sr. Technical Assistant (Store) – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
9. Sr. Technical Assistant (Civil) – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
10. Personnel Assistant – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
11. Senior Assistant – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
12. Senior Assistant (Accounts) – Level-06 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
13. Junior Assistant – Level -2 in the pay Matrix (Rs. 19900-63200)
14. Driver – Level -2 in the pay Matrix (Rs. 19900-63200)
15. Electrician – Level -2 in the pay Matrix (Rs. 19900-63200)
16. Library Assistant – Level -2 in the pay Matrix (Rs. 19900-63200)
17. Multi Tasking Staff Level-1 in the pay matrix (Rs. 18000- 56900)

NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Selection Process 2023:

NIELIT may follow the following process to select the candidates.

1. Written Exam
2. Interview
Exam Center In Tamilnadu: Chennai

Application Fee/Exam Fee for NIELIT JA, PA & MTS: 

The candidates will be required to remit the Application Fee at the rates indicated in the Table below through online payment mode via application software only.

Grade PayGen/ OBCST/SC/Ex-s/PWD
Level-10 and aboveRs. 800/- per applicationRs. 400/- per application
Level-7 and belowRs. 600/- per applicationRs. 300/- per application

How to apply for NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Post:  

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the NIELIT website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. https://register-delhi.nielit.gov.in/ from 15.07.2023 @ 11.30 AM to 13.08.2023. No other mode of application will be accepted.

Important Dates for NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Post: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application15.07.2023
Last date for Submission of Application13.08.2023

NIELIT JA, PA & MTS Official Notification & Application Link:

NIELIT Official Website Career PageClick Here
NIELIT Official Notification PDFClick Here
NIELIT Online Application FormClick Here

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Tamilan Guide